BABY WIPES - Nazar Jan's Supermarket
BABY WIPES - Nazar Jan's Supermarket


BABY WIPES are the perfect way to clean your child's face and microbiome while they're Baby sitting. By wiping their face with a soft, wet wipe, you can keep them warm and protected from the environment while they're in close contact with you and their delicate microbiome. Babies need to...

BABY WIPES are the perfect way to clean your child's face and microbiome while they're Baby sitting. By wiping their face with a soft, wet wipe, you can keep them warm and protected from the environment while they're in close contact with you and their delicate microbiome. Babies need to be dry, so you don't need to worry about them getting bacteria on their clothes or skin. WIPES help with this by being a quick and easy way to clean away any cleaning solutions that may have been applied during playtime. Plus, they're perfect for keeping your baby's coat/skin free of dirt and dust. Babies really need to be clean before bedtime, and that's where these WIPES come in. Not only does this product help keep babies clean, but it also helps them relax and go to sleep. Plus, it's a great way to keep your home smelling fresh all night long!

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